
  • Added additional breakthrough advisories
  • Fixed UI bug showing visual only 'game variant'
  • Added cursor over to UI elements, renamed UI elements
  • Changed JavaScript functions

  • Added faux breakthrough section informing of planetary anomalies
  • Updated map files
  • Supporting 13th Breakthrough

  • Changed site loading to be cache-able
  • Fixed failing to load with empty table contents causing an infinite loading icon

  • Changed website visuals to correctly convey the hosting and maintenence situation
  • Changed disaster/resource hover visual elements for greater clarity
  • Search changes to prevent excessive requests
  • Added caching to speed-up interaction

Original contributions:

  • Fixing bug with rare metals
  • Adding complex filter functionality

  • Added favicon
  • Added KoFi link
  • Added Content to homepage
  • Added about page
  • Updated Resource Management

  • Added Options for B&B and B&B+GP
  • Added temp content to other pages

  • Fixing breakthrough bug in complex
  • Updating JavaScript functions for complex/simple
  • Changing functionality of Complex Filter to use QueryDSL
  • Adding database caching to speed up subsequent launches

  • Refactoring database impl to reduce RAM footprint
  • Removing unused code
  • Adding Evans and Tito Game Data (only GP)
  • Refactored site ingest for game variants
  • Adding fix to make North/East the origin
  • Changing model for input files
  • Tidying up logging
  • Removing junk from html
  • Flags for test vs live data